5 Foot Care Tips for Men’s Health Month

Studies show that men typically pay less attention to health issues than women. And when it comes to your feet, you may ultimately have to deal with some painful conditions. Dr. Ross Cohen of The Foot & Ankle Center of Maryland in Anne Arundel County, MD, recognizes National Men's Health Month with foot care tips for his male patients.

Foot care doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated.

Here are some easy ways to better care for your feet, so they’ll continue to take you where you need to go:


1. Examine your toenails weekly. Keeping toenails trimmed straight across will help avoid uncomfortable ingrown toenails. Be careful not to cut the nails too short that the skin overlaps them. If you see that a nail is starting to grow into the skin, soaking it in warm water several times throughout the day and then trying to massage the nail out of the skin should provide relief.


2. Cleanse your feet each day with soap and water. This simple task will help diminish the risk of many common fungal and bacterial infections.


3. Maintain a healthy weight. Carrying around extra weight puts unneeded strain on your feet. In addition, it increases your risk for many common problems with your feet.


4. Keep your feet dry. Do your feet sweat excessively? If so, try applying foot powder before you put your socks on. Always have an additional pair of socks accessible if your feet get wet or damp.


5. Discard shoes when they are worn out. Even if your footwear may look good, they still begin to deteriorate on the inside between 300 to 500 miles of use. Wearing shoes that no longer support your feet can lead to plantar fasciitis and other conditions.


Don’t neglect ankle or foot pain. Have any foot discomfort assessed promptly because pain is your body’s way of telling you that a problem exists. Getting foot disorders diagnosed in the early stages means that we can use a less invasive treatment method to get you back to your normal activities faster.


If you are experiencing any issues with your feet, address them now. Contact the office of Dr. Ross Cohen of The Foot & Ankle Center of Maryland in Glen Burnie, MD, at (410) 761-3501 to schedule your next appointment.