Tips for Back-to-School Shoe Shopping


As parents, we know that as our children change and grow, their feet do too. So the shoes that were suitable for them a year ago might not be anymore because their support needs and the feet themselves may have changed. And because most kids will spend at least 1,200 hours in their school shoes each year, they have a lot of influence and power over foot health and comfort. Today Dr. Ross Cohen of The Foot & Ankle Center of Maryland in Anne Arundel County, Maryland is sharing his tips when shopping for back-to-school shoes.

There is no single brand of shoes that addresses all the different needs for school shoes nor is there one shoe brand that fits every child because every child’s feet are different! For this reason, it’s important to evaluate each different shoe on these merits. And don’t be misled by price - costly shoes aren’t automatically healthier for your child’s feet. 

Dr. Ross Cohen’s Tips for Back-to-School Shoe Shopping

  • Frequently check the size of your child’s socks to make sure they fit properly.

  • Because the size of our feet can slightly increase during the day, take your kids shopping for shoes toward the end of the day instead of the beginning.

  • Allow your child to walk around in the shoe in the store and feel for seams and pinches.

  • In many cases, children’s socks tend to be forgotten when choosing shoes. But wearing socks that are too small can put excess pressure on the toes and cause them to claw

  • When shopping, put the shoes on a flat surface and look at them from behind to look for irregularities in the heel. So you should do this when shopping for all kinds of footwear because even costly shoes can have faults. If they’re not even, keep looking for another pair.

  • Always consider the fit of both feet, as many people have one foot that is slightly longer than the other. Also, your child’s biggest toe might not be the longest – in which case you’ll want to determine the length of the longest toe and use that size.

  • Having your shoes custom-fitted by a trained specialist can make a big difference to your child’s foot health and how comfortable the shoes feel.

  • Don’t purchase shoes that have to be ‘worn in’. The shoes you choose should fit properly at the store. Wearing them to walk around at home can help make the material more pliable, but it shouldn’t influence your decision to buy.

  • The length of your toenails can have affect shoe comfort and fit, so keep your child’s toenails trimmed at all times.

  • If your child is wearing orthotics, be sure to bring them along when shoe shopping to ensure that they fit comfortably.

  • Foot pain is never normal for kids - if your child is in pain, they need their legs and feet checked right away.

The bottom line is that you shouldn’t buy the shoe until you’re completely satisfied, and you should never feel pressured.

Experienced podiatrist Dr. Ross Cohen of The Foot & Ankle Center of Maryland in Glen Burnie, Maryland can professionally measure your child’s feet to ensure the best fit and appropriateness for any problems your child may have. Before you go back-to-school shopping, call our office at (410) 761-3501 to schedule a consultation.