Heel Spurs: 7 Treatment Options

A heel spur is a bone growth that develops on the back or bottom of the heel. In some cases, they can become painful and inflamed. In today’s post, Dr. Ross Cohen of The Foot & Ankle Center of Maryland in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, shares some conservative treatment options.

The development of heel spurs is often the result of a gradual injury due to constant pulling of the attachment of the plantar fascia or repetitive stress or friction. They can be caused by exercise, inflammation, biomechanics, aging, or poorly fitting footwear.

Examples of this are heel bone spurs either underneath the heel as a result of plantar fasciitis or at the back of the heel (often due to calf muscle tightness or Achilles tendonitis).

7 Conservative Heel Spur Treatment Options

  1. Injection: An anti-inflammatory agent mixed with a numbing agent is placed at the painful area to alleviate the severe pain associated with the pain at night after a day of increased activity and/or with the first steps you take in the morning.

  2. Stretching: Stationary stretching in the morning and evening utilizing the correct technique will speed recovery and diminish the chance of re-injury.

  3. Rest: This can range from a reduction in activities to crutches and no weight bearing on the foot for 1 to 3 weeks. Don’t walk barefoot and avoid shoes that don’t have sufficient support.

  4. Night Splints: This device maintains tension on the ligament while it’s healing by holding the foot at a 90-degree angle to the lower part of the leg.

  5. Medication: Topical and oral anti-inflammatory medication can help relieve the discomfort that accompanies chronic heel spur pain.

  6. Physical Therapy: Examples include cold therapy, stretching, ultrasound, electric stimulation, contrast baths, and massage.

  7. Arch Support: Custom orthotics are the best solution for immediate and long-term treatment. But supportive athletic shoes, a higher heel on a shoe, or temporary arch supports will provide added rest to the injured ligament. 

If you have a heel spur or are experiencing other foot pain, contact the office of Dr. Ross Cohen of The Foot & Ankle Center of Maryland in Glen Burnie, Maryland, at (410) 761-3501 to schedule your first appointment for 2023!