Posts in Blog
Are Your Cracked Heels a Sign of Thyroid Disease?

January is Thyroid Disease Awareness Month, and it’s a great time to create awareness among our patients about thyroid dysfunction and how it affects the body, particularly the feet and ankles.

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The Importance of Proper Footwear When Walking this Winter

In this weather, you sometimes have to abandon your favorite stylish boots in exchange for footwear that has a proper grip designed to provide better traction. In today’s post, Dr. Ross Cohen, of The Foot & Ankle Center of Maryland, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, is sharing some things to consider when choosing winter footwear.

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Keep Kids Healthy and Parents Happy with These 6 Back-to-School Shoe Shopping Tips

For parents who are faced with kids’ changing opinions and tastes, back-to-school shopping can be a stressful process. But there is one part of back-to-school shopping where a wrong move could affect your child’s health - shoe shopping. Today, Dr. Ross Cohen of The Foot & Ankle Center of Maryland in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, is sharing 6 tips to help you navigate the process.

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6 Ways to Prevent Plantar Warts This Summer

Do you feel pain on the sole of your foot when walking barefoot? Plantar warts on the foot are more common during the warmer months. They’re even more noticeable because we’re going barefoot more often. So because July is Wart Awareness Month, today, Dr. Ross Cohen of The Foot & Ankle Center of Maryland in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, is sharing more information regarding plantar warts and how to get rid of them.

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